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Meryl Blau

Mindpower Coach™

Meryl Blau is known best for her high-performance, health-minded lifestyle. Her passion for living at that high frequency carries over to her coaching, mentoring and teaching style. She believes in setting the bar high and pushing her clients to reach it, because she knows that a bar set too low is one achieved too easily. She’s a perfect blend of jersey-girl tough love, with just enough softness-around the edges when you need it most. And most of all, she’s got a heart that truly beats to serve.

Meryl has a background as a creative industry professional, holds a position as a Professor of Practice at the University of Miami, an international speaker, and has coached and mentored well over a thousand people in and out of the classroom to date. She is also a nutrition coach, and fitness fanatic. Meryl's perfect storm of experiences has all led her to level up her career, with her most recent achievement of becoming an elite level Master Mindpower Coach™.  As a Mindpower Coach Meryl helps high-performers release all mental and emotional barriers to become the best version of themselves. 

Meryl has been facilitating the CREW Miami Mentorship Program for the past six years, and looks forward to expanding the vision of the program in the future.