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CREW Brief

2025 Nomination & Leadership Application Process for CREW Miami Board Directors & Chairs

Governance Committee
boardroom table with papers and water glasses

To: CREW Miami 2024 Members
From: Josie Legido Correa, CREW Miami 2024 President Elect
Date: May 24, 2024
Re: Requesting Nominations for 2025 CREW Miami Leadership Positions

Nominations for leadership positions will be accepted until 5 p.m. ET on July 3, 2024.

CREW Miami encourages self-nominations and/or nominations of other members with demonstrated leadership skills to serve in leadership positions. (Leadership, for this purpose, means serving on either the board of directors or as a committee chair).

CREW Miami Board Members are elected for 1-year terms but are encouraged to commit for 2 terms to truly make the best impact. Committee chairs are elected for 1-year terms.

Members making nominations do not have to verify the willingness of the individual to serve. When eligible nominations are received, the Nominating Committee will contact the candidate and request that they complete and submit the CREW Leadership Application Form by the deadline noted below to confirm their willingness to serve and obtain the required information about their qualifications/experience. Members who are self-nominating are also required to complete and submit the Leadership Application Form by the deadline noted below.

The CREW Leadership Application Form is required to be completed by all nominees who accept their nomination(s) by close of business on July 10, 2024.

HOW TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS: Submissions must be made using the online Nominating Form before 5 p.m. ET on July 3, 2024.

  • WHO CAN SUBMIT NOMINATIONS: All current, fully paid members of CREW Miami may submit nominations. Members who are interested in serving on the Board of Directors or being Committee Chairs are strongly encouraged to nominate themselves. There is no limit on the number of nominations a member can submit.

  • WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO SERVE: The members serving on the Nominating Committee are not eligible to be nominated. All other current members of CREW Miami are eligible to serve. Participation on CREW Miami committees or task forces is considered by the Nominating Committee when vetting candidates, but such participation is not required.

  • AFTER NOMINATIONS ARE SUBMITTED: Members making nominations do not need to verify the willingness of the individual to serve in leadership; that is a function of the Nominating Committee. After verifying the willingness of the individual to serve, the Nominating Committee will ask them to complete the CREW Leadership Application Form for consideration. Individuals who self-nominate also need to complete the Leadership Application Form. Once all Leadership Application Forms have been reviewed by the Nominating Committee, the committee will thoughtfully consider the diversity, experience and skill of candidates, and the best composition of leaders as they compile a proposed slate for the 2024 CREW Miami Board (one individual for each open position). The Proposed Slate will be presented to the general membership for review prior to an official vote at a members meeting in September.

Additional Information for consideration.

  • Leaders elected for 2025 are not expected to implement initiatives until Jan. 1, 2025.

  • Members of the Board of Directors are to submit reports prior to the Board meeting concerning their specific Committee and its progress, actions and plans.

  • Members of the Board of Directors are expected to actively participate in promoting donations to CREW Network Foundation as well assisting other Committees in furtherance of CREW Miami’s mission.

All positions except that of President are open for nomination.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions regarding the nominating process and thank you in advance. I look forward to the election of our 2025 Board!

Josie Legido Correa
CREW MIAMI, President-Elect