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Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Chair organizes Committee Members to host tables at luncheons and to serve as Ambassadors for new members, to ensure a high-touch experience for each new member.

The Hospitality Committee hosts an annual New Member event, usually in the Spring. The purpose of the event is to give new members a more intimate setting in which to network and get to know other New Members and the Board of Directors. This event is also an important opportunity for Board members to recruit prospective members to attend, and thereby encourage them to join CREW.

The Committee meets once a quarter (4 times per year) to discuss goals for the coming year, and track progress of those goals throughout the year.

Committee members are encouraged to step in and volunteer as greeters at events and help other committees on an as needed basis...

Time commitment:
Table Hosts – Once a month, arrive early at luncheon to welcome attendees and serve as table hosts for networking, and introductions at luncheon tables
Ambassadors – Schedule one lunch or coffee per month with a new member.


Julia Grachova

Fuse Group


Gladys Reed

Ocean Bank

Ana Maria Rodriguez

Arena Capital

Committee Members

Carolina E Calvo

First American Title Insurance Company

Candace E. Chin Fatt

Langan Engineering

Rodolfo Javier Hernandez

Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc

Lilly Bita Kazeminia

OCI Associates, Inc.

Mercy Lux

Seacoast Construction, Inc.

Keren Marti

First American Title Insurance Company

Joy McKenna

Research Management Corporation

Aeilyng Pereira

Pacifica Engineering Services

Monique Selman

Albany Homes International Inc

Tiffany Shepard

Atlantic Southern Paving

Richard Marshall Zelman

Sacher, Zelman, Hartman, Paul, Beiley & Rolnick